'You've never seen the Marilyn Monroe film?' — 'No, I think it was a bit before my time.' “你从来没看过玛丽莲·梦露演的电影?”——“是的,她拍电影时我还不记事呢。”
No wonder other VCs are a bit miffed. 因此,难怪其他风投公司有点恼火。
Dear Winging It: It's no wonder you're a bit mystified, since there really is no one-size-fits-all formula for constructing a winning resume. 亲爱的准备起飞:难怪你会感到困惑。因为,在准备必胜的简历时,并没有一个万能的模板。
The bottom line is that adding vinegar, lemon or lime juice to your meals will do no harm and may help a bit in the battle of the bulge. 退一步来讲,在饮食中添加醋、柠檬汁或酸橙汁无碍健康,还有助于瘦身。
The shopkeeper says," No, my dog does not bit. " 店主说:“不,我的狗不咬人。”
Of course, your apps don't care much about spacing, so this is no problem; it does make it a bit harder to read, though. 当然,您的应用程序不会过于在意空格,所以这算不上什么问题,但确实会使代码阅读起来较为困难。
As can be seen, there is no execute bit for the group, and only user alpha may execute the file. 可以看到,没有为组设置执行位,只允许用户alpha执行此文件。
In this case, no files had the suid bit set. 在此情况下,没有文件设置了suid位。
Find one or two things during your regular weeks that you can do less of or simply say no to so that you have a bit more time and energy over each week during the fall and winter for this thing you love. 在你每周的日常安排中找一两件你可以少做或者不做的事情,这样你在秋季和冬季时就有更多的时间和精力做你喜欢的事情。
Indeed, he confesses to having a sort of crush on his creation, and answers No a bit too quickly when I ask whether we should assume that Nathan, who lives alone in his glass house with his android Galateas, has had sex with Ava. 我问他,我们是不是应该认为内森与爱娃发生过性关系内森与他的机器人美女居住在同一个玻璃房子里加兰的否定回答来得有点太快了。
And there are lots of people like me& reasonably comfortable in social situations, no particular phobias, just a bit reserved in expressions of physical intimacy. 有很多人都和我一样&在社交场合挺自在,没有特别的恐惧症,只是在身体亲密行为的表达上有点保守。
The consequence of this was four hours sleep and on the road again next morning but there's no gain without a bit less sleep! 这样作的后果,这是4个小时的睡眠和在道路上再次第二天早上,但有没有少一点没有睡觉的收益!
There is no point thinking'Oh, I look a bit silly in this gold cape or crown of brass leaves on my head.'You've got to believe it. 你必须相信诸如‘把这个黄铜叶制成的金角和王冠放在我的头上,我看起来很傻’之类的抱怨是没有任何意义的。
There is no rainy weather, have no therefore change a little bit and warm, on the contrary the air temperature is more low. 我们的西门还是满热闹的,什么小吃都有,看着那些小摊主和寒冷对抗着,感慨赚钱也不是那么容易的。
No, you can cut quite a bit off. 不,你可以多剪点。
It would do no harm at all for a bit of that sensitivity to rub off on Washington. 如果华盛顿方面能有一点点这种敏感性,将不会有任何坏处。
He had no use for dogs after a dog bit him. 自他被一条狗咬了之后,他就不喜欢狗。
No, thanks. I have got a bit of cough. 不谢谢。我有点咳嗽。
No one cares one bit what I'm doing saturday. 谁都不在乎我礼拜六干什么。
No, it's a bit early for me. 不,现在喝酒有点过早。
No, the Mongols are playing a bit bigger role. I quite like playing the Chinese right now because they feature quite a number of Mongol influenced units. 不,蒙古扮演比较大的角色。我现在很喜欢扮演中国,因为他们的有蒙古军。
Oh, no? Don't you feel a bit chilly? 哦,是吗?难道你没感觉有点寒吗?
After that, international acclaim is no more than a welcome bit of validation to show the folks back home. 再者,赢得国际赞誉只不过是一份受欢迎的证明,为它们指明回家的路。
After a severe chasing, everyone is tired, no body bit somebody else. 激烈追逐之后,大家都累坏了,谁也没有咬到谁。
The statistical feature and no distortion compression technique for 24 bit color medical image 全彩色医学图像像素频率特性统计及无损压缩
Compared with the method of serial communication using special ports, this method has some advantages, such as changed frame length, no start bit and stop bit, so the communication ability of the communication system improved greatly. 此串行通信的方法与单片机的专用串行通信口相比,它传输的帧长度可变,而且,不需要启始位与停止位等开销.增加了单片机的通信能力。
Regarding the memory buffer region as the subjunctive equipment, the paper brings forward the conversion technology between the vector data having no relation to equipment and bit image data. 以内存缓冲区为虚拟设备,提供了一种与设备无关的矢量数据与位映像数据之间的转换方法。
There's no BRC ( bit rate control) method given in JPEG standard, and the traditional BRC is not appropriate for JPEG exchange format. JPEG标准未给出比特率控制方法,而一些传统的比特率控制方法为专用的压缩解压缩系统设计,并不适用在于开放的基于交换格式的JPEG压缩系统。
The feasibility of proposed scheme is verified by numerical simulation and the results show that the requirement of no bit error rate operating can be obtain by reasonable setting the system parameters. 通过数值仿真验证了所提出方案的可行性,仿真结果表明在合理设置系统参数的情况下,可以获得满足无误码率操作要求的输出信号。